India and Gender Equality

Introduction Gender partiality is a vast concept in India. Every one in three girls is missing in India due to sex selection. The mentioned ratio may look mere but if we see it on a larger scale, 46 million females go missing in India every year. In the same way, a huge number of transgender children are abducted in India every year. Gender partiality has caused the country to suffer a huge imbalance in the population. The majority of homes in India prefer sons in the family which results in the loss of women and transgender people. Although many measures have been taken up by the Government, still we lack in the provision of equality. Why inequality? The sick mentality of people causes them to standardize the abilities of a gender. ‘Females are supposed to take care of home and kids, not work’; ‘It’s a man’s job to work and earn, home-caring isn’t their part’. Such judgements result in uplifting partiality among different sexes. Girls are moulded to be future mo...