A Quote I Always Look To~
Hey everybody! How've you been doing lately? I am Ruhani Bachhal and welcome to a new post. So, all of us certainly have a quote that we bow to, that brings us up again, that gives us a buoyancy in spirit. If not, it still isn't that we don't read them, so we all have, for at least once, admired a couple of quotes. The quotes that we go along with may be religious, spiritual, philosophical, factual or perspective-based. It can even be a dialogue! Moreover, it's not necessary that the quote has to be some text already existing but you can even write one of your own. Now I would like to introduce you to the quote that I look to:- One fallen leaf doesn't mean the forest has died. This one has been making a great impact on me since the very day I read it for the first time. Being a student, it is often having downs. It hasn't to be a special day when it's just low-key satisfying but every second day when there is a lot of work and I can't get it done. That ...