A Quote I Always Look To~

Hey everybody! How've you been doing lately? I am Ruhani Bachhal and welcome to a new post. 

So, all of us certainly have a quote that we bow to, that brings us up again, that gives us a buoyancy in spirit. If not, it still isn't that we don't read them, so we all have, for at least once, admired a couple of quotes.

The quotes that we go along with may be religious, spiritual, philosophical, factual or perspective-based. It can even be a dialogue! Moreover, it's not necessary that the quote has to be some text already existing but you can even write one of your own.

Now I would like to introduce you to the quote that I look to:-

One fallen leaf doesn't mean the forest has died.

This one has been making a great impact on me since the very day I read it for the first time. Being a student, it is often having downs. It hasn't to be a special day when it's just low-key satisfying but every second day when there is a lot of work and I can't get it done. That is really when I need a dose of these 9 words.
It is, as you see, based on natural ethics. Nature is really an inspiration to me, and so is to most of you. It's not even hard to derive inspiration from here. From a minute sand grain to the calm sky, we have got every single thing yelling at us, giving us lessons!

Apart from this one, I have a couple of others that I absolutely adore. They are proverbs and adages, some famous and some rated too low, some sarcastic and some serious:~

1. Qué Serà Serà. (A French proverb; means- What will be, will be.)

2. Beauty ends where intellect begins. (Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray)

3. Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light. (Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling)

4. Everyone wants to know what I would do if I didn't win; I guess we will never know. (Kanye West; Grammys-2005)

5. Esprit Positif, Ondes Positives, Belle Vie! (A French quote; means- Positive Mind, Good Vibes, Great Life!)

What do you think about these? I love 'em!

'when there is no one for you, quotes do...'

I would absolutely love it if you all share your favoured texts down there in the comment section. Let us all enjoy with each other the essence of power of words.
Thanks for reading!


~Ruhani Bachhal 



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