✨An Admiring Daily Morning Routine✨(Student Edition)

Hola Guys🙋🏻‍♀️! How are you all doing? Well Pandemic's🦠 second wave is on its route and everything is back to 2020's April-like.
Basically, no gyms🏋🏻‍♀️, no parks to walk🏃🏻‍♀️ in, no academies and so-and-so ain't available. Everyone knows that there's nothing left to keep up with our fitness🦵🏻🦴, but strain from getting fit to fat is still laying on our heads🤦🏻‍♀️. And what if we think to manage both of 'em, there is always a barrier which says "YOU CAN'T, WHAT ABOUT YOUR MOVIE ROUTINE, WHAT ABOUT HOME-WORK, WHAT ABOUT STUDYING FOR THE EXAMS, WAIT YOU ARE GETTING SELFISH, THEREFORE JUST STOP 🛑 THINKING ABOUT STARTING HOME YOGA AND EXERCISE🧘🏻‍♀️". Now gals, c'mon and read the whole blog to manage all the things to allow yourself build and tick the body and official🧞‍♀️ requirements😉.

✨An ADMIRING Daily Morning Routine 
 Early to bed, early to rise; Keeps a man healthy-wealthy and wise!
The above statement is absolutely right. I know a party-person can't resist going to bed late, but think of yourself and resolute to go early 🛏️. And as you go early to bed you definitely wake up completing your adequate sleep 💤 hours and wake up according to the expectations to manage your exercise routine. If not, set an alarm.

And Let's Start.....Let's Gooo

Wake up at 5 A.M.🕔 and have a splash of water🌊 on your face. It will definitely refresh🌬️ you and no more of laziness and bed dreamings will be there. Now go, lay your mat and let it be Yoga for the first ever time.
Start with Tadasana , the height increasing pose to stretch out each and every muscle of yours and have an efficient blood circulation all around. Now bend your body try to touch your nose with your knees doing Hasta-Padasana . Don't force your body but stay relaxed. Now browse all over the web to pick out efficient Asanas for your body, but start with the above mentioned Asanas for sure. After you are completed with the all the Asanas, now meditate for 5 mins. Rub you hands- bring them to your eyes and now slowly open them.
Your workout time is all upto you but go for at- least 20 min.

Now board your train to the washroom and have a brush-bath. Trust me, you will feel better than ever. 
Try to have oatmeal for breakfast or Muesli will also work great. Before your class starts, have a look over all the chapters and notes that will boost your brain and you'll be able to answer each and every recap question your teacher asks(It gives a good impression honestly). After you are done with your online classes, stretch your body and go-on spending all of the day your own doing home-work, practicing your hobbies etc.

So guys whatever you feel about my blog, just comment down and thanks for viewing:)
Don't forget to follow the blog station by clicking the side-bar of the home page. It will be beneficial:)

-Ruhani Bachhal-


  1. Brilliant thanks for giving such information to us dear

    1. Thank you! Hope you are having a nice morning now onwards!


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