How To Pack Your Travel Bag

 Hey Guys! Pre-teen Ruhani here again🙋! So today's my blog aims at How To Pack Your Travel Bag. This is because I have seen many people on airports, railway stations and bus boards whose bag appears to just explode or after a moment for hardly a 2-day trip. To avoid such situations I suggest you to read the whole blog.

Pack Less But Pack The Best

Yes,even I do the same to avoid carrying loads of unecessary luggage. Many-a-times even I used to put in the stuff that was a pretty waste thinking that what if this happens so this and if this happens so this, STOP! Just avoid putting that back-up stuff and learn to be responsible for not messing up the dress you are carrying.Actually we simply need to change our psych cuz that many times we realize that the loads we were carrying was just a lump-sum waste. Now, we need to pack the best ever tees and shorts for beach and joggers and a parka for mountains.

Arrange the Every-Day Equipments in a Pouch

Stuff like toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, soap, razor, shampoo saches etc. should be arranged in a pouch for saving space.
Also there should be ready made pouch for above mentioned stuff so that everytime you have to travel, you just have to pick that pouch and not engage yourself in running to the bathroom.

Don't Buy Yourself A Bunch of Suitcases

If you feel that you have a lot of stuff to carry for a trip and need to have another suitcase, don't carry one but you can defintely carry a pithu bag or backpack. Buying another suitcase won't only be a waste of money but also a waste itself.

I hope you guys found this blog helpful and if you are ringed up with an improvement required, I would definitely be pleased to welcome them. Comment your thoughts down in the comment section.

〰Ruhani Bachhal〰


  1. Very helpful 👍
    Very nicely written 🐱🐱🐱.

    1. Thank you! Keep reading and enjoying! Hope you pack nicely!

  2. Perfectly tell us abt how to pack our bags very nice 😘good job

    1. Thank you! Keep reading and enjoying! Hope you pack nicely!

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you! Keep reading and enjoying! Hope you pack nicely!


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