Coffee and Monsoon!

In the balcony, leaning over the railing, holding a mug and constantly whisking with a spoon in it was your ready-in-10-minutes dalgona coffee. It was nearly drizzling when the cool breeze flew through your hair. Finally the foamy-brown mix came up and pouring-in some hot milk was left to do. Glug-glug-glug....and here you go!

Monsoon and hot-sweet-dalgona coffee form the best couple. Winter and coffee were never too shipped actually :).

Whisking the coffee may take some moments, but as you know- Good things take time. If you want to get the perfect Starbucks flooding through your taste buds, then, while boiling the milk add a piece of dark chocolate and now add it to your dalgona. Monsoon comes every year but every time it's completely on you how you add the toppings over the delectamenti monsoon. 

The coffee streaming in your body relaxes you, cheers you, plays with you and every sip brings a beam on your face. Its a whole different thing in a season like monsoon where your body romances with the tip-topping rain. 

The breeze still flows and the coffee is not yet ready to cool itself, making you vibe with the drizzles. Spending your time this way in monsoon is the best you can do!

Personally, for me, the breeze of the 10th floor and you-know-what together make my day :) !

So now, before reading further, go to the kitchen, get the things and push yourself from couch to the balcony. Feel the cloud-cover and get started.

Many things entertain us in 24 hours and some may grow boredom as well. Keeping up with yourself always matters and you, yourself should take care of that. No mum-dad are always gonna be there for you, for your smile, for your comfort. 

Take the ReSpOnSiBiLiTy!

Thank you guys for the love and support you had been giving. Keep reading and enjoying!


~Ruhani Bachhal~



  1. Thanks for taking me to my childhood monsoon days .....

    1. It's a great pleasure for me to see you enjoying my blogs. Grab yourself a coffee and keep reading and enjoying!

  2. Replies
    1. It's a great pleasure for me to see you enjoying my blogs. Grab yourself a coffee and keep reading and enjoying!

  3. Ruhani!!!I m definitely gonna try dalgona when it rains this time. Thanks for enlightenment 🙃

    1. It's a great pleasure for me to see you enjoying my blogs. Grab yourself a coffee and keep reading and enjoying!

  4. Ruhani!!!I m definitely gonna try dalgona when it rains this time. Thanks for enlightenment 🙃


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