Exam Days! Tips to Study

 Hiya guys! This is Ruhani and I very well know that I delayed writing blogs for more time than you expected. Sorry! I beg your pardon with my kindest heart...
So, exam season is on and mine too are around the corner and here are some valueable things that you can practice in order to maintain a decorum of your studies without any stress and score well with logical learning.

LeTs's BeGin >>>

1. Have an effective study routine

First things first, create a schedule for your day and try to devote more of your leisure time to studying.
And while doing so, people generally cram the stuff. Hey dude, STOB it now! I simply told you to lessen your time chilling and vibing but don't just get a book in hand and read words. You can never understand the text that way. So, read calmly, maybe it's hard, but let it take 4 reads of 1 sentence. Preferrably, early morning studies are dope. Remember:-
~Your brain gives its 100% during early morning.
~It's 50% during late mornings and afternoon.
~Lastly, a damp performance comprising of it's 20% devotion during evening.

So, plan well.

2. Set Timers

When you sit to study, don't right away just become a statue but set timers according to the subject and productivity-feel of yours. It can start with 40 mins and when it's over you may take a 10 minutes break. This way it makes studying interesting and easier and less hectic. You get more productive and enjoy learning. Meanwhile, the ratio should be maintained like 4:1 mentioned above.

3. Notion

Well, I haven't got words to describe how thankful I am to Notion. I have brain-dumped there. Notion has organized each and everything of mine. Use tons of templates and features to study, stay focused and less mentally tensed. From being a student to maintaining personal insights, Notion is too fantastic to use.

4. Go easy with To-Do Lists

No need to sprint off your ink. Shake hands with technology and write your tasks digitally. It again makes it easier to prolong your things-to-do and that's how you again stay organised. It allows you to complete your top-most to least-most priorities.

5. Music is Life

You should listen some mood uplifters to motivate you. Some pop and beats; better not to hear classicals because for me, they are simply lullabies. Imagine Dragons are good-better-best suggestion from me!

And that was all for my today's blog gentlemen. Will meet you soon!


~Ruhani Bachhal~


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks for your valuable reply! Keep reading and enjoying!

  2. Great tips
    Thank ya! And all the best for your exams

    1. Thanks for your valuable reply! Keep reading and enjoying!


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