Plants Around Us

Hey guys, I am back with another blog of the month. Well, it is my first time writing on plants. Don't worry because no one is teaching you botany here. You may be wondering what it is then, so let's get started>>>

It's impossible that you haven't seen people rushing to the hill stations during weekends. We are clueless about what those people go there for. However, it is quite obvious that whosoever visits hill station, puts pictures of trees and roads, yes, they put pictures of trees and it's a must. So, I expect you guys to have made out the answer to the question. Now, even if you have visited mountains, your Insta story also said 'Mountains are Calling', didn't it?

Anyways, it's true that there is a cute vibe around when we have plants in our circle. A cozy room is incomplete without a plant. Plants make a really good company. Indoor plants add like cherry on a cake. 

Not taking my blog too educational, here is a story of an old lady who had a boring life until something magical added to her bedroom :-

Aunt Stephie was turning 62 on upcoming Sunday. Her life was kinda dull since when she got her left-knee transplant. She couldn't walk, instead, she used a wheel-chair. She had a really nice-looking bedroom but she never felt complete in it, maybe it was because she couldn't walk, was what she used to think. Neither she was so used to with the technology nor she liked reading. Spending her time was a burden of burdens to her. Finally, it was Sunday and her grandchildren payed her a warm visit. They got her a Monstera Deliciosa for her bedroom as a showpiece but no one knew that Aunt Stephie will grow such an attachment with that plant. She regularly watered the plant and spent her time taking its care. None of her grandchildren's toys could replace the cuteness of Aunt Stephie's relationship with Monstera. She no more felt monotonous in the same bedroom, rather, she was happier than ever. She nearly forgot that she had her left-knee transplant. Monstera proved to be the best gift to Aunt Stephie.

I just realized that I was such a good story writer ;D I really enjoyed writing this small story for you guys. Thus, like Aunt Stephie, you may not be 'gifted' a Monstera Deliciosa but you can get it for yourself and feel complete in your room :)

Now is the time for me to give you guys 5 Super Cool Suggestions on using plants as pieces of decor :-

1. Plants look better in corners.
2. Bedrooms and Dining Room should have succulents.
3. Painted ceramic pots look good for indoor plants.
4. Species of the plants should be chosen according to the theme of the room they are supposed to be kept in.
5. Maximum 4 pots suit a room; Rooms that are over-filled with plants aren't pleasing.

I hope you guys enjoyed this blog too, if 'yes', then leave comments down below. Thanks for reading! Wishing your plants some good amount of Chlorophyll^_^


~Ruhani Bachhal


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