Work and Chocolates

Hey folk! I hope you're doing well and today I am going to share my personal experience with chocolates while working/studying. Let's read what's in there for today!
So, the major-most thing that I noticed is that chocolates don't let you feel dizzy or lazy. Chocolates are really useful when you have long working hours. They are certainly more than a simple munchy thing or a desert.
By saying that having chocolates while working or studying is good, I don't mean having a full bar of it but a piece or two works as desired. I, usually choose dark chocolate over regular chocolate because at that moment, you don't crave it but it's meant to rest your hunger and sleep. 
Eating pieces of chocolate is better as you eat some 400 cocoa beans as a bar. Some studies have suggested that chocolate can lower cholesterol levels and prevent memory decline. 
'They are certainly more than a simple munchy thing or a desert.' _HENCE PROVEN_

Chocolate is beneficial for body in many ways, seriously, many. Now that I said it's beneficial doesn't mean it to be consumed in heavy amounts. Consuming chocolates heavily can result in weight gain, although it's said to be good for weight loss if consumed within limits. Heavy consumption can also result in adverse effects on the nervous system and the cardiovascular system. Therefore, keep it to work.
Also, when buying chocolates for yourself, be verified about the brand. Low-quality dark chocolate can affect your health contrarily.

I hope you guys found the blog worth reading, and if so, leave the comments down below. 
Will be getting you guys more of such. Thanks for your support!


~Ruhani Bachhal


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