Clear the Clutter- Prepare Yourself for 2022

Hello everyone, I am Ruhani Bachhal and hope you people are doing well. 2022 is just around the corner, (yay!) and everyone is busy writing resolutions and affirmations for the upcoming year. Really a good thing...but, like most of the time, we realise at the end of the year that it wasn't a perfect and desired one again, something was still missing. Let's leave COVID-19 behind for a while and talk about what else could be that missing thing that didn't make your year desirable. Let's begin with getting to know the tips that will help you in developing a productive and packed year; BTW, these will also help you in making 2022 a better-than-others year too>>>

Start Prioritising Your To-Do Lists

Generally, we have long task lists which make it look as though we won't be ever able to tick it up. So, the solution can be either making sensible and small to-do lists (which isn't fairly possible because all the tasks are chief enough to be not important) or prioritising the work. Out of the whole list, create a section where the top 3/ top 5 tasks of the day are mentioned, this will help in paying more attention to the dominant tasks. Also, I would recommend making hand-written to-do lists, this is because you can memorise hand-written things better.

Create a Logical Bucket-List

Designing a bucket list is not a bad thing at all, but, most of the time people tend to create a wishlist that has over-ambitious tasks that go out of their pockets. Making it at the start of the year and then staring at it at the end of the term makes us feel demotivated and stressed. Therefore, making a bucket list that'd seem quite possible on either end is encouraged. Hence, instead of feeling dispirited and uneasy at the year's end, better make a bucket list that's easy to tick off.

Get Away From Flatterers That You Found Through the Year

To make any year better than the previous one, you always need a good company of nobles. A better company indulges opportunities and a better lifestyle. Hence, get away from flatterers that came to you just because of their own needs. Having a company like that is surely mentally depressing. This is because people around you affect your mental wellness a lot. Therefore, we need to keep our distance from the 'crowd'.

I hope you people are now going to have a better 2022, ain't you? These few tips will be really helpful if followed. Thank me later!


~Ruhani Bachhal


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