Life-Lessons that the Pandemic has Taught Us

 “Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise again…’’

Horrid faces, starving stomachs, broken hearts, threadbare treatments and everything that we experienced left us torn apart. However, everything has to have an end and so this cruel phase had one too. And with it, the Covid-19 Pandemic left us a number of meaningful chapters to keep re-reading for life. 

Before the gordian knot was cut, we realized the significance of perspective during the pandemic. As its scent took over the air and lockdowns were announced, the world shut down but we did not stop because ahead of us laid countless things to discover, both justified and groundless. Thus, above all, the pandemic trained our mindsets into how to see the good in every situation. With a mindset like that came optimism and patience. We manifested the good and waited for it enduringly when at last we could convince ourselves for a life time that good things take time that is always worthy. Many of us even lost our loved ones and we felt powerless and impotent to live. However, despite that, we learnt how to fight even the toughest nightmares and became aware of our vigour. A new sense of responsibility was also inculcated in the students when they experienced the dawn of a new means of education. Their responsibilities made them regular, that in turn taught them a lot about ethics of living. Honesty followed regularity, when they were tested and marked. The dignity of labour was also well-learnt. Concluding that, only the pandemic could show us the real scale of resilience we truly held in ourselves. The pandemic played a paramount role in enhancing our persona and I believe it could be done by no other.

As it affected our personality, the pandemic also enlightened us on a few truths. At the apex – Health is Wealth! We actually learnt how vital for us it is to take care of ourselves and not to be careless about our well-being. Secondly, science and technology are the foundation of the future and that without it, we can’t progress. Ahead of that, the pandemic even managed to leave us impotent without resources but as we fought the nightmares, we established minimalism and even mastered sustainence for survival. At last, we came to know that even though man is a social animal, learning the skill of adjustment, sacrifice and regulation should never bother him.

Originally,  I wrote this essay for a competition. I succeeded to claim the first rank among 40 participants. Post that, I couldn't help posting it here, because, why not?


~Ruhani Bachhal



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