Battling Insecurities🤍

Do you know that it's not just you who is wrapped in this feeling of inadequacy? The world is! At least all the adolescents in the world.
Hola everyone! Wishing y'all a fantastic 2023 as another chapter begins :D

Lately, out of nowhere, I found myself struggling with insecurities. Many of them. Reason if I were to explain, I just couldn't. I questioned my individuality. And my biggest mistake was that I didn't talk about it with my parents and now that would be called 'intentional helplessness', which wasn't wise at all. My insecurities took away the best of me and my state was similar to that of a boiling frog. My mental health became a blunder.
One reason that made it worse was pulling all-nighters to prepare for my examinations and trash-canning my body clock.

Feeling I wasn't enough to stand all by myself in public, at one point, I had lost all motivation in me. I couldn't care less about what I looked like to others. I didn't even try neglecting it.

It wasn't a good time and I don't want anybody to deal with the same. Ever. 
Things got better when I started spending time accepting myself. My thoughts went about getting motivation. I realized one crucial thing of immense significance- I hated the body that had earned me all my laurels and achievements, my individuality, the fingers that type all my drafts, the ears that get me the music, the eyes that show me the world, the feet that have walked the sands for me. I hated someone who didn't ought to get that hate. I realized that self-love was the only way out. It was the key to restoring my happiness. I needed to love whom I was hating.
I started talking to my mom & dad, so I could gain insight into how and why I was thinking the way I did. 

Everyone is different and so everyone is special. 

Swim in the ocean of confidence and gratitude, and watch the sand of imperfections and insecurities become the adorable coastline of the foreshore that you would call 'life' <3

This one post had to be drafted for almost two weeks because I had to re-write all the information so that it did not sound very depressing. Although it is not a very long one, I tried conveying as much as I could. 
Being insecure isn't supernatural, but one mustn't lose themselves trying hard to be 'perfect'.
Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below.


~Ruhani Bachhal


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